GCSE English workshops @AxminsterWaffleHouse

by teachsw Free

TEACHsw has partnered with 'The Community Waffle House' to provide three great GCSE English workshop sessions throughout August and here are the key bits of information you need to know:

Venue - Axminster Waffle House (1 West St, Axminster EX13 5NX)
Dates - Monday 5th, 19th & 26th August 2019
Time - 7pm (60 minute session)

Cost - £15 total per person for all three sessions (Includes free cold drinks)
to be paid online (Payee: Mr S G Smith. A/C 22433552. S/C 09-01-29. Ref GCSE WAFFLE.

Teacher - TEACHsw English Teacher 'Sarah'

Just sign up below and meet Sarah at the Waffle House on the 5th. Amazingly we have been given exclusive access to the Waffle House which is normally closed on Mondays.

Sarah will be giving lots of tips and tricks as well as useful exam techniques and helping the group to identify and tackle weaker areas of their subject knowledge

Please pass the details on to everyone who might like to join us this summer.



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