Commission Waitlist

by mythrildice Free

Waitlist for a custom commission slot from Mythril Dice.

Please be sure to read the Commission Information and Pricing Guide on my website before joining the waitlist.

I will be in touch with you by email once you reach the top of the list to discuss details and provide additional information regarding your custom commission.

Please Note: Commissions have an approximate 8-16 week production time once started (depending on design complexity) and I only have the ability to work on 1-2 commissions at a time. By joining this waitlist, you understand that you may be waiting months for me to reach your place, and you agree not to message me asking when I will reach your spot. Any harassment about how long it is taking will not be tolerated, and you will be removed from the list.

If your commission is a gift or for a special occasion, please DO NOT join this list and instead reach out to me directly. I may or may not be able to assist depending on my current workload and/or life commitments.


On the list? Check your place.